
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wine :Run Windows Applications On Linux

So have ever thought of quiting windows and switching to Linux,but you changed your mind when you thought about the windows applications that are dear to you and are not found for Linux such as Microsoft office.So we bring to you WINE


WINE is a application for Linux that let you run windows softwares and games on Linux.WINE is not a emulator.With Wine, you can install and run these applications just like you would in Windows.Most importantly wine is open source and user driven and thus it is free to use and distribute.The source code could be found on Wines home page..

  We experimented with different windows applications in Linux using wine.I had a demo of wolfenstein which ran like a charm in my mint 9 using wine.In next article we would discuss some tweaks to run windows applications on Linux. To download and install Wine check you application store on your Linux box or click here